Welcome to my comprehensive 12-week AP Physics course, designed to provide high school students with a thorough understanding of the key principles and concepts needed to excel in the AP Physics exam.. My program is structured to empower students with the knowledge and problem-solving skills required to achieve top scores.
Key Features:
Key Features:
Introduction to AP Physics:
Describing motion in one dimension, including concepts such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Graphical analysis of motion, equations of motion, and projectile motion are also covered.
You'll revisit the foundational ideas from Unit 1 as you delve into the study of force, which involves the interaction between objects. This unit may cover topics such as systems and center of mass, forces and free-body diagrams, and Newton's Third Law.
Understanding circular motion and gravitational forces. Concepts such as centripetal acceleration, centripetal force, and gravitational force are covered, along with applications such as orbital motion.
Understanding the concepts of work, kinetic energy, potential energy, and conservation of energy. Calculating work done by forces, mechanical energy conservation, and power are important topics.
You'll apply the tools, techniques, and models from earlier units to analyze rotating bodies and understand the factors that cause these rotations.
You'll study the energy and momentum of an object rotating around an axis and relate these concepts to their linear counterparts.
You’ll use all the tools, techniques, and models you’ve learned in previous units to analyze a new kind of motion: simple harmonic motion.
You'll examine the behavior and motion of materials that can deform and analyze how these changes interact with other objects.
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